Kansas City Home Medical Supply stocks a wide variety of urology and ostomy medical supplies to help you or a loved one recover from a temporary illness or for long-term maintenance of a chronic condition. Though typically a sensitive subject, the staff at Kansas City Home Medical Supply encourage questions about urology and ostomy supplies as often a single question can make the difference between living comfortably and being in pain.

Kansas City Home Medical Supply employs medical supplies experts, as well as a registered nurse, to answer your questions as professionally and as helpful as possible. Visit one of our locations in Overland Park, Lee’s Summit, Independence, MO or Kansas City, MO today!

What is Urology and what are Urology Supplies?

Urology is the branch of medicine concerned with the function and disorders of the urinary system. The urinary system’s primary organs are the kidney and bladder which help the body remove fluid and toxins in the form of urine. Urological supplies assist individuals whose bodies are not able to do this in the usual manner. Injury, illness, surgery and incontinence are all factors that could lead a person to require temporary or long-term use of these products. Common urology supplies that you will find at Kansas City Home Medical Supply are straight catheters, indwelling catheters, external catheters, urine drainage collection bags and a variety of urological accessories. Ostomy supplies may also be required for patients with urological problems.

What is an Ostomy and what are Ostomy Supplies?

An ostomy is an artificial opening in the body, created during an operation such as a colostomy, ileostomy or nephrostomy. A stoma, usually on the abdomen, is created to allow the waste from the body to be removed when traditional excretion is not possible. An ostomy may be needed to help a patient excrete urine or feces if part of the intestinal or urological system is compromised. Injury, illness, surgery and incontinence are all factors that could lead a person to require temporary or long-term use of these products. Common ostomy supplies that you will find at Kansas City Home Medical Supply are ostomy bags and barriers, as well as a variety of accessories that assist in their use.

How Urology and Ostomy Supplies Help You

Urology and Ostomy supplies exist to help your bladder and intestinal movements go through and be stored as smoothly and as safely as possible. With medical technology today, urology and ostomy supplies are a necessity and part of life-saving care for people every day.

Purchase Your Urology and Ostomy Supplies from Kansas City Home Medical Supply

At Kansas City Home Medical Supply, we understand the sensitivity that comes with supplying products of this nature and would like to encourage our customers to ask questions and learn about these products before using them. Our experts can help guide and provide urology and ostomy product recommendations based on what would work best for you or your loved one to make them as comfortable as possible.

If you have questions about urology or ostomy and how our products can help treat or make your loved one comfortable, contact us or come by one of our Kansas City stores today.