Product Catalog

Hernia Awareness

What is a hernia? A hernia is a condition in which a portion of organ or soft tissue pushes through a hole or weak spot in a muscle or surrounding connective tissue that lines your abdomen or groin. It can be caused by an action that puts pressure or strain on an organ in that weak spot. Sometimes you can see the hernia, depending on its location and size. Certain activities can worsen the condition, like bending over or lifting heavy objects....


ALS Awareness Month

ALS Awareness Month What is ALS?   ALS is an abbreviation for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. It is a chronic degenerative disease that affects nerve cells in both the brain and spinal cord. It is also commonly known as Lou Gerhig’s disease after the legendary baseball player who eventually succumbed to the illness. The term “amyotrophic” comes from the Greek language and translates to “no muscle nourishment,” referring to the deterioration of muscle control that occurs with ASL. Nerve transmission follows a path from...

Protect and Wrap Head Wounds with the Right Supplies

Protect and Wrap Head Wounds with the Right Supplies

Head wounds can seem worse than they actually are. They bleed heavily because the scalp and face have many blood vessels sitting close to the skin surface, and the intense bleeding can be alarming to some people. Fortunately, most injuries are not severe and bleeding can be brought under control with simple treatment. Use the right tools and supplies to keep you safe and the wound secure, providing a better chance to heal properly.

What You'll Need

Be sure to gather all supplies...

5 Essential Upkeep and Maintenance Tips for Power Wheelchairs

5 Essential Upkeep and Maintenance Tips for Power Wheelchairs

It's important to take care of your power wheelchair and accessories: it’s an investment and, most importantly, it provides you mobile freedom, getting you wherever you need to go whenever you need. Here are five tips for maintaining your power wheelchair to ensure it operates and runs smoothly.

Keep It Dry

Keep your wheelchair dry and away from moisture. You don't want the battery, gears, or other electrical components to get damaged by liquids. If drinks spill on the wheelchair, clean them up...


Considerations When Selecting a Power Wheelchair or Scooter

For patients with restricted mobility, wheelchairs and scooters are tickets to freedom. These devices offer a way to get about and travel outside the house or care facility. The right wheelchair or scooter can take them anywhere they want to go: work, school, the grocery store, visiting friends, or maybe catching a concert from their favorite band. Assistive devices and equipment are designed to give people with limited mobility their lives and independence back. Be sure to choose the device...

Benefits of Bed Accessories in Home-Based Patient Care

Benefits of Bed Accessories in Home-Based Patient Care

Home-based patient care is markedly different than hospital-based or healthcare facility-based medical care. In a healthcare facility, there is usually extra personnel on hand to assist patients and other staff, making it easy to offer optimal care. Furthermore, there is plenty of specialized equipment in hospitals that help caregivers assist patients. Care of a patient at home usually involves a single caregiver; there is usually no extra personnel to assist him or her. As such, home-based patient care can become challenging...

The Importance of Compression in your Healing Process

The Importance of Compression in your Healing Process

When your body is healing, it is important that your muscular movements have the pressure strength to pump fluids in a constructive, rehabilitating manner. When your body stores excess fluid, it can slow down the healing process. In contrast, it is still important to retain blood flow and movement for steady circulation to the injured area. Compression therapy with aids like wraps, sleeves, stockings, and slippers can help the injured area function properly and improve your recovery rate in the following...

Our Stores

Overland Park, KS

(913) 385-2020
10440 Metcalf Ave
Indian Creek Center
Behind Krispy Kreme Donuts
SW corner of 103rd and Metcalf Ave.
Mon – Fri: 9AM – 5:30PM
Sat: 10AM – 4PM

Lee’s Summit, MO 

(816) 908-2977
1565 NE Douglas St
Across from St. Luke’s East Hospital
SE corner of Douglas St and Mulberry St.
Mon-Fri 9AM-5:30PM
Sat 10AM-4PM

Kansas City, MO

(816) 533-0444
240 NE Barry Rd
Barry Trails Shopping Center
West of CVS Pharmacy
NW Corner of N Oak Trafficway and NE Barry Rd.
Mon-Fri 9AM-5:30PM
Sat 10AM-4PM

The regular business hours at all locations including Overland Park, KS, Lee's Summit, MO and Kansas City, MO are Monday through Friday 9:00am - 5:30pm. Saturday 10:00am - 4:00pm. Closed Sunday.
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